Selection Diagnostics
Effectively shaping success-critical staffing decisions
Our focus is on top management and senior leadership levels within companies. When it comes to filling key positions, poor hiring decisions are not only costly but often have fatal consequences for the corporate culture. These risks can be significantyl reduced through professional diagnostics.
We independently and neutrally assess the suitability of final candidatesfor a specific position with the aim of providing a well-founded decision-making basis, taking into account the company context as well as the team or board constellation.
The result is a detailed overview of the extent to which the candiates meet the position-specific requirements, identifying success factors, opportunities, and development needs, ass well as suggesting measures to minimize risks. This applies to occupations, promotions, mergers and strategic realignments of companies as well as selection processes for talent pools and development programs.
Achieving valid results through structured diagnostics
The process starts with a thorough requirements analysis. Along with the requirements associated with the position in question, we take into account particularities of the industry, the company and the board or team.
Together with our clients, we align the success-relevant entrepreneurial, leadership-related, and personal commpetencies. Our observation and evaluation system allows for a thorough analysis and a focused comparison of candidates within the context of selection processes.
A combination of diagnostic modules produces meaningful results: Two interview parts are complemented by other instruments (e.g., a Business Case, Simulations) and data sources (e.g., questionnaires). The contents of the modules always reflect specific business requirements.